Pavlova with Honey Mascarpone and Figs

Pavlova with Honey Mascarpone and Figs

I refuse to believe that summer is over. Despite the fact that I haven't worn anything with short sleeves for days and we have had a month's worth of rain in 3 days. Funny old thing this climate change. Before summer really packs it in, you still have time to make one last pav! This tasty honey mascarpone is rich and creamy with the sugary pavlova and figs are the very best of friends with honey. I have used preserved figs here with fresh honeycomb but fresh figs are just becoming available and they would be some much more tasty!


6 egg whites (at room temperature)
2 cups caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp white vinegar
2 tsp cornflour
200g mascarpone
4 tbsp honey
8-10 figs, halved


Pre-heat oven to 110ºC bake (not fan bake).Line a baking tray with baking paper (or two baking trays if you want to make a pavlova stack.In a large metal, ceramic or glass bowl (not plastic), beat the egg whites until soft peaks form.

Continue beating while adding the sugar a quarter of a cup at a time. The mixture should get glossier and thicker with each addition and this should take at least 10 minutes. Beat in the vanilla, vinegar and cornflour.

Spoon mixture out prepared tray into a dinner plate sized mound with a flat top. If you are making a stack, spoon half of the mixture onto each tray and form into small plate sized mounds with flat tops.

Bake for approximately 1 1/2 hours, until dry and crisp and it lifts easily off the baking paper.  Cool on a wire rack.

If you want to make a tall stack, repeat this whole process again so that you have 4 thin pavlovas.

To make the honey mascarpone, simply mix the honey into the mascarpone and spread over the top of the pav, or between each layer of your stack. Top with cut fresh or grilled figs and a drizzle of honey.

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